How Long Does a Commercial Roof Installation in Springfield, MA Take?

October 12, 2018 10:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You’ve probably experienced enough oil changes to know how long this service takes. You have a good idea how long it takes to get your teeth cleaned at the dentist. You have certain expectations about your wait in the grocery checkout lane. But how long does a commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA take?

You may have no frame of reference to estimate this timeline. Yet, it’s good to know what to expect as you make arrangements for this service. Use the following guide to budget your time for your commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA.

Roof Size

Of course, a major factor that affects the time it takes for commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA is the size of your roof. In general, the larger the building, the longer it takes. If you choose a contractor that has experience with commercial roofing, they should be able to give you a good estimate of how long a roof of your size will take.

Project Type

Are you removing an old roof, laying materials over an existing roof or installing a brand new roof? The type of project you are trying to complete also greatly affects the required time. If repairs must be made to the existing structure before the new roof is installed, this will obviously add more time. If an old roof does not have to be removed before the new commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA can occur, this will shorten the timeline. Be sure to discuss the specifics of your project with your contractor to properly estimate how long it will take to complete your roof.


This factor is something your contractor cannot control. To protect your building, your roofing contractor will need precipitation-free conditions to work on your roof. Rain delays can extend the timeline of your roofing project. Some roofers will not schedule a work day if the chances of rain are too high. In some circumstances, a slight chance of rain may be acceptable, such as for buildings that are scheduled for interior remodeling. Again, check with your contractor to confirm the conditions under which they will be able to work.


How soon is the contractor available? During busy roofing seasons, you may have to wait until current projects are completed before the contractor can start on your roof. If you will be contacting companies during busy times, it is highly recommended that you start the process early and allow yourself extra time to complete the project.

Total Timeline

Typically, you can expect your commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA to take one to three weeks. You should budget time on the front end of this project to get quotes from at least three roofing companies, review these quotes and schedule one of them for the project. Additionally, once the installation is complete, you will need to have the roof inspected. This can take between two days and four weeks.

Worth the Time

While commercial roof installation in Springfield, MA requires a time commitment, the results are well worth the investment. Typically, in a week or two, you will have a solid commercial roof that will protect your building for years to come. Contact the professionals at R & H Roofing to get started today.

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